We will help you with your CPF file
The CPF (Personal Training Account) allows anybody either employee or job hunter to benefit from a training. The CPF stands in for the DIF (Individual Training Action) since January 1st 2015.
Each year, some hours* are automatically added to your CPF depending on your activity.
*24 hours each year within the limit of 120 hours (the first 5 years) then 2 hours per year within the limit of 150 hours.
The DIF hours you gained until December 31st 2014 can be used until December 31st 2020.
The CPF allows you to acquire skills that are recognised (qualifications, certifications or exams) or the basic knowledge.
You can benefit from the CPF only if you get a certification at the end of your training. There is an official list of them.
How to use the CPF hours ?
Agreement on the schedule for the training offering a certification.
Agreement on the content and schedule for any other training.
60 days before the training regarding a training lasting less than 6 months.
120 days before the training regarding a training lasting longer than 6 months.
Your employer has 30 days to answer your request (Shouldn’t you get an answer within this delay, it is considered as an acceptance).
– If the training occurs during your work time, your salary is maintained
– If your training occurs outside your work time, you don’t get any allowances.
No matter the size of your company, your training is financed by the Mutualised Contribution CPF and the ‘Organisme Paritaire Collecteur Agréé (OPCA) you depend on.